Friday, May 27, 2011

a bandaid on a broken leg...

I was sitting in class yesterday and the focus of the discussion was on the self care of clergy. Now, this is an important issues in several congregations across America because of the reliance placed upon the professional church worker. But even though I recognize the need the speak about such an issue I wonder if those strategies and/or structures that one can employ are really just putting a bandaid on a broken leg. What I mean is this, what if the problem is not one that stems from the over reliance of individuals on the professional church worker but one that stems from the existence of the church worker him/herself? Put another way, the issue is not how people engage with that professional church worker but that there is a professional church worker...

1 comment:

  1. All Christians are called to be "church workers" whether they are tied to a building (congregations). Don't think you can get out of your responsibilities by handing them over lock stock and barrel to the "professional". The "professional" is a minister as well, but woe to those who think he is the ONLY minister! They are actually to "equip" the entire congregation to minister, not be the lone eagle. This is one of the reasons I dumped the church routine, the depth of the members comittment to "Christian" genuine principles was suspect to me.
